Be seen. Be heard. Be found.
Content marketing is the process of creating and distributing valuable and relevant content to attract, acquire and engage a clearly defined audience with the goal of
generating profitable customer actions. After all, most of us are in business to make a profit, however other organisations such as NFPs and government also engage in content marketing. It plays an extremely important role in getting your digital marketing strategy off the ground. It's usually the first thing you'll do before any other digital marketing activity, because if you don't have any content then it's hard to do anything else!
While it's been around for years, and although many businesses have found success with it, they may not understand why or how to fully maximise its potential. It's a proven, must-have addition to digital marketing and can provide huge returns for businesses of all sizes. It's one of the key parts of digital marketing because it provides the opportunity for your business to create high-quality content that will connect with your target audience on an emotional level and encourage them to take action.
"Content Marketing plays an extremely important role in getting your digital marketing strategy off the ground."
Before you get started with your content marketing plan, it's important to take a step back and make sure that you have a clear understanding of what is involved in the process. A successful content marketing campaign requires careful planning, so it's best if you start by writing down everything that comes to mind when thinking of your business goals and objectives.
Next, think about how these objectives can be achieved by creating relevant content. Content should be informative, helpful and insightful. It could be entertaining ... and if this last category fits with your brand, it can be very powerful when done well. Overall, it should be engaging.
"If you want your content marketing campaign to achieve the results you want, it's important to know what you want your goals to be"
There are three main types of content, including owned, paid, and earned (or free). You need to strike a balance between these three types of content.
Owned content is content you own and control. This includes your website, blog, social media channels (Facebook Page, TikTok, Twitter Account, etc.), and even your YouTube channel. Owned content can also be physical items such as brochures or merchandise that help promote your brand.
Paid content includes things like sponsored posts on Facebook or Google Ads that drive people to websites with relevant information about the product or service being promoted.
Earned content
comes from sources such as word-of-mouth recommendations from satisfied customers that drive traffic back to your website. The key to earning this type of traffic is building trust so people feel comfortable sharing their experiences with others in their network who may be interested in what you have to offer as well!
Content marketing is an important part of any digital marketing strategy. It's what drives people to your website and helps build relationships with customers. It will also give you a competitive advantage over other businesses that don't have a content marketing strategy.
Want to have a chat about a marketing plan for your growing Brisbane or Ipswich company? Connect with our team for a complimentary chat and coffee via the button below.
Helping your business Thrive.